The Completion of
the 50-Year Holy Work

6Founding Mugeukdo
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  • Revealing Kang Jeungsan as Gucheon Sangje,
    the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven

    In the 4th lunar month of the Eulchuk Year (1925), Doju built a temple complex
    on Dochang Hill-Path in Gutaein Township, North Jeolla Province and founded Mugeukdo.
    This marked the first time that Doju revealed Holy Master Kang Jeungsan
    as “Gucheon Eungwon Noeseong Bohwa Cheonjon Sangje
    (the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven,
    Celestial Worthy of Universal Creation through His Thunderbolt,
    the Originator with Whom All Beings Resonate)”
    who presides over the Three Realms with great authority,
    and Doju enshrined Him using that divine epithet.
    He also declared the tenets, creeds, and aims of Mugeukdo
    to proclaim the truth of the Great Dao of the Resolution of Grievances
    for Mutual Beneficence to the entire world.
  • Mugeukdo Temple Complex

    Yeongjeon Hall
    Yeongjeon Hall (or Yeongdae Hall) is where Sangje was enshrined.
    The building’s exterior appeared to have 2 stories,
    but the interior revealed 3 stories.
    Sangje was enshrined on the 3rd and highest floor,
    while the 1st and 2nd floors served as meeting halls.

    Seongjeon Hall
    Seongjeon Hall is where the Great Divine Beings
    of Heaven and Earth were enshrined.
    The building appeared to be 3 stories high from the outside,
    but the interior actually comprised 4 stories.
    On the 4th floor, Dosolgung Palace enshrined the Jade Thearch-God,
    who presides over the divine beings of the 33 Heavenly Realms.
    The 3rd floor enshrined the Great Emperors of the Seven Stars,
    and the 2nd floor enshrined other Great Divine Beings of Heaven and Earth.
    The 1st floor was known as the ‘Center Palace’ and housed Doju’s Holy Work Chamber.

    Additionally, Mugeukdo Temple Complex included over 10 subsidiary buildings,
    all adorned with traditional Dancheong painting.
  • The Tenets, Creeds, and Aims

    The Tenets
    Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang
    Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings
    Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    Perfected State of Unification with the Dao

    The Creeds
    The Four Cardinal Mottos

    Quieting the mind
    Quieting the body
    Reverence for Heaven

    The Three Essential Attitudes


    The Aims
    Guarding against Self-deception - Re-creation of the Inner-spirit
    Realizing Earthly Immortality - Renovation of Human Beings
    Creating an Earthly Paradise - Re-creation of the World
360° VR Tour
  • The Charter for Realizing the Dao


    A saint’s scripture does not pursue magnificent rhetorical flair but truth.
    A perfected man’s heart seeks authenticity, not superficiality.
    Therefore, to seek the underlying principle of objects is to seek nature, not artificiality.
    In this regard, a saint reaches the Dao by enlightening his mind and not seeking fame.
    When writing, a saint does not seek florid style,
    and when clothing himself does not seek brocades.
    A mere pursuer of prose cannot attain the mind-dharma of a saint,
    and a man who pursues superficiality cannot attain the truth of a saint.
    How great are the Dao and the virtue of a saint!
    origination (won, 元), proliferation (hyeong, 亨), accomplishment (yi, 利),
    and completion (jeong, 貞) are a great order and dharma.
    The saint’s Dao rectifies Heaven and Earth. His numbers define numerous laws.
    His reason identifies the mind-dharma.
    In great righteousness and brightness, Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism
    were penetrated by the Great Dao.
    With this the Heavenly mandate replaced words.
    The reason and energy of the Heavenly Dao sequentially unfolded.
    How great, supreme, and sacred it is!
    We followers who learn the saint’s teachings shall only dignify the Great Dao,
    uphold great virtue, and broadly carry out great works.
    Thus, if the 50,000-Year Dragon Flower Reign of the paradisiacal land of immortals
    blessed by purity and splendor, became a land wherein everyone climbed together,
    how fortunate that would be!

    The Declaration of Awakening


    What does man desire while living in this world? Just honor and prosperity.
    Honor and prosperity are what everyone longs for,
    but why is it hard to attain them?
    It is none other than man not knowing the shortcut to them.
    We need not look for the shortcut elsewhere.
    What we are seeking is an invaluable treasure, and it is our mind-spirit.
    If we can be unified with our mind-spirit, it is possible to offer libations
    and communicate with deities and to achieve order with all things.
    However, because we did not find the way to be unified with our invaluable treasure,
    our own mind-spirits, we have wasted our lives being obsessed with the intangible.
    Fortunately, since there is the infinite Great Dao in the world,
    we should align our minds, establish our righteousness,
    seek for our own mind-spirits, and then, leave ourselves to Sangje’s will.
    Sangje, as an immeasurable ocean, exists up in Heaven and Doju,
    as a great sea, upholds His mandate.
    Since the Degree Number is bright and transparent, it is impartial and fair.
    Is it not guiding us to the pure and beautiful paradise of infinite bliss
    that will last for 50,000 years? My companions in the Dao, be in solemnity.
    Exert your utmost sincerity and respectfulness.
    Strive your utmost faithfulness and virtue!
    Why can we not resolve the grievances that have resulted from wasting our whole lives
    while desiring to have what we can hardly have?
    Rejoice, my companions in the Dao! Put forth your utmost effort.