The Completion of
the 50-Year Holy Work

11The Completion of the 50-Year Holy Work and Transmission of the Lineage
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  • Ordering the Holy Works of
    Shihak and Shibeop

    Doju ordered devotees to prepare the performance of cultivatory Holy Works (Gongbu)
    in the 11th lunar month of the Jeongyu (1957).
    He developed methods of cultivation, ceremonies, and ceremonial protocol
    and directed devotees to engage in communal Holy Works.
    These Holy Works are known as Shihak (Serving the Teaching)
    and Shibeop (Serving the Dharma), representing the culmination of Doju’s 50-Year Holy Work.
    For both Shihak and Shibeop, a class comprises thirty-six individuals
    who recite specific incantations throughout the entire day.
    These Holy Works are methods of Dao cultivation harmonizing humans
    and divine beings while facilitating the advancement of the Degree Numbers (Dosu)
    of Heaven and Earth in union.
    They are the true dharma that leads devotees to glorious destinies and Dao-unification
    in the Earthly Paradise of the Later World.
    These practice methods were handed down by Doju to Dojeon through a deathbed edict,
    and Dojeon thereby became the successor in the Orthodox Religious Lineage.
  • Appointing Dojeon
    as the Prime Dojeon

    Late in the 2nd lunar month of the Musul Year (mid-April 1958 on the western calendar)
    in a gathering of top executives,
    Doju made the announcement, “I will appoint Park Han-Gyeong as Dojeon.
    He will serve as the Prime Dojeon, completly distinct from the former attendant Dojeon.”
    He further revealed that the Prime Dojeon would assume leadership
    over the Dao practitioners with full authority and responsibility for the operations of the Dao.
    Prior to this, in the 12th lunar month of the Jeongyu (1957),
    Doju bestowed the honorific name ‘Wudang’ upon Dojeon.
    These various events occurred during Doju’s 100-days Holy Work to adjust certain Degree Numbers (Dosu),
    spanning from the end of the 11th lunar month of 1957 to just 3 days before he passed into Heaven.
  • The Completion of the 50-Year Holy Work

    The Mandate to Serve Heaven (Bongcheon-myeong)

    Doju received the Mandate to Serve Heaven in Manchuria
    and began his 50-Year Holy Work.

    Realization and Dao-Attainment

    Doju became a successor in the Orthodox Religious Lineage
    by realizing the Daesoon Truth of Sangje and attaining the Dao.

    After receiving a Divine Revelation from Sangje to return to Korea,
    Doju preached the dharma of the Great Dao of the Resolution of Grievances
    for Mutual Beneficence and performed Holy Works
    according to previously defined Degree Numbers (Dosu).

    The Founding of Mugeukdo

    Doju founded Mugeukdo on Dochang Hill-Path in Gutaein Township, North Jeolla Province
    and enshrined Sangje as “Gucheon Eungwon Noeseong Bohwa Cheonjon Sangje
    (the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven,
    Celestial Worthy of Universal Creation through His Thunderbolt,
    the Originator with Whom All Beings Resonate).”
    He also proclaimed the tenets, creeds, and aims of his order.

    Doju persisted in carrying out Holy Works despite the oppression
    that he faced during the Japanese occupation.

    Establishing the Dao Headquarters

    After Korea gained liberation, the Dao Headquarters was moved
    to the town of Bosu in Busan, and the Dao was spread anew.

    Enshrining the 15 Categories of Divine Beings

    After enshrining the 15 Categories of Divine Beings
    at Yeongdae Shirine of Daegang-jeon Hall in the temple in Gamcheon,
    he ordered the implementation of the Holy Works of Shihak and Shibeop
    during the 11th lunar month of that year.
    These Holy Works are genuine methods of Dao cultivation as the true dharma
    that advance and optimize the Degree Numbers (Dosu) of Heaven and Earth
    through humans and divine beings in harmony.

    The Completion of the 50-Year Holy Work

    After completing the 100-day Degree Number on the 6th day of the 3rd lunar month,
    Doju declared.
    “This is the year when the 50-Year Holy Work is completed
    and the ultimate energy arrives now; in April. I must leave now.
    Do not lose heart at all despite my absence.
    Continue to fulfill your tasks as you have been instructed.”
    He then transmitted the Orthodox Religious Lineage to Dojeon
    through a deathbed edict and passed into Heaven.
  • The Issuance of Commands and
    Items of Proclamation

    Transmitting Commands
    This is the year when the 50-Year Holy Work is completed
    and the ultimate energy arrives now; in April.
    I must leave now.
    Do not lose heart at all despite my absence.
    Continue to fulfill your tasks as you have been instructed
    and we will meet again someday.

    Items of Proclamation
    His Holiness passed into Heaven at 1:37 PM,
    during the Eulmi hours of the Shinmi Day (the 6th day)
    of the 3rd lunar month of the Musul Year (1958).
    According to the instructions of Doju,
    all future events will continue to be guided by the commands of Dojeon as before.
    All Dao cohorts are encouraged to release any despair
    and dedicate their minds wholeheartedly to the cultivation,
    practicing Sincerity, Respectfulness, and Faithfulness.
    In The Canonical Scripture of the Great Itineration (Daesoon Jeon-gyeong),
    it is written, “Can you recognize me, even though I am both before you and behind you?
    Only after I return will you be able to recognize me again.
    When I come back, my radiance will be so intense that you will be unable to look upon me.”
    His Holiness consistently emphasized the occurrence of future events
    that are challenging to believe and transcend the bounds of imagination.