Spreading Sangje’s Virtue
All over the World

2Being Promoted as a Representative in Taegeukdo
360° VR Tour
  • The Representative of Taegeukdo

    On the 15th day of the 1st lunar month of 1946,
    Dojeon came into the Truth of the Great Itineration of Sangje.
    From that time forward, he dedicated himself to spreading the Dao
    primarily focusing on the provinces of Chungcheong, Gangwon, and Gyeongsang.
    In 1955, Doju appointed him as Pogam (Supervisor of Propagation)
    and he assumed the role of a senior clergyman overseeing all upper executive clergy.
    In the 3rd lunar month of 1956, Doju entrusted Dojeon with the task of serving
    as a representative of all devotees in the order
    while editing The Comprehensive Mirror of Taegeukdo (Taegeukdo-tonggam).
    Futhermore, Dojeon managed all of Doju’s supporting attendants
    when Doju conducted Holy Works at various temples
    such as Haein-sa Temple, Donghak-sa Temple, and Ssanggye-sa Temple.