Spreading Sangje’s Virtue
All over the World

5Founding Daesoon Jinrihoe
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  • In April of 1969,
    Daesoon Jinrihoe was Founded

    Daesoon Jinrihoe was founded as a source of spiritual refuge,
    honoring the will of Sangje’s Great Itineration and the dharmas left by Doju Jo Jeongsan.
    We, Daesoon Jinrihoe, uphold the three focal dharmas of sincerity, respectfulness,
    and faithfulness as essential attitudes for Dao cultivation.
    Furthermore, we embrace the two principles of quieting the mind and quieting the body
    as cardinal mottos of practice.
    Additionally, based on the principles of the Three Bonds and Five Cardinal Relationships,
    we strive to create a peaceful home,
    while also abiding by the laws of the nation and observing social mores.
    In order to return to the pure state innate to humanity,
    We, with Guarding against Self-deception as the foundation of Dao cultivation,
    practice Daesoon Truth. This encompasses the Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang,
    the Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings,
    the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence,
    and the Perfected State of Unification with the Dao.
    Ultimately, our goal is to create the Earthly Paradise of the Later World filled with auspiciousness.
    This declaration is made to encourage all individuals who share the same intention
    and Yeonwun (Destined Human Relationships or Karmic Affinity) to join Daesoon Jinrihoe.
  • My Work shall be Accomplished
    through Three Phases of Change

    The Three Phases of Change represent the transitional process
    within the Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy in Daesoon Jinrihoe.
    The current that connects the three Holy Figures (Sangje, Doju, and Dojeon) is
    known as Yeonwon or the Fountainhead,
    which flows according to the Degree Numbers (Dosu)
    of the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth.

    The Fountainhead originated from Sangje and subsequently transferred to Doju,
    who established the Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy through a divine revelation from Sangje.
    Finally, it was passed on to Dojeon,
    who inherited the lineage through Doju’s deathbed edict.
    The flow of the Fountainhead, which progresses from Sangje to Doju and then to Dojeon,
    represents an unalterable and continuous heavenly connection.
    This lineage is known as the ‘Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy.’

    The saying, ‘My work shall be accomplished through three phases of change’
    refers to three distinct stages.
    Firstly, Sangje carries out the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth,
    which are designed to ultimately bring about the Great Opening of Three Realms.
    Secondly, Doju composes the Dao cultivation methods
    and establishes the regulations of the true dharma
    through the Completion of his 50-Year Holy Work.
    Lastly, Dojeon sets the momentum for the eventual opening
    of the Earthly Paradise of the Later World by spreading the true dharma.
  • The 49-Day Holy Work
    at Suri-sa Temple

    Dojeon traveled across the entire country before arriving in Seoul.
    He stayed in Buam Town for a period of time and selected Suri-sa Temple
    as the site for his Holy Works.
    At the temple, he had a three-room house constructed
    on the right side of the Hall of Great Heroes.
    In one of the rooms, a small furnace was installed,
    and from the end of the 1st to the middle of the 3rd lunar month
    of the Giyu Year (1969),
    he burned votive papers and spent 49 days there
    without sleep or rest, dedicating himself to his Holy Work.

    Dojeon, who completed his Holy Work on the 49th at Suri-sa Temple,
    prepared the site of a temple complex in the neighborhood of Junggok Town, Seoul
    and founded Daesoon Jinrihoe.