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All over the World

3Receiving the Lineage Transmission by Deathbed Edict
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  • Lineage Transmission by Deathbed Edict

    During the 12th lunar month of the Jeongyu Year (1957),
    Dojeon was bestowed with the honorific name ‘Wudang.’

    ‘The Prime Dojeon’
    Around the end of the 2nd lunar month of the Musul Year (1958),
    Dojeon was appointed as the ‘Prime Dojeon’ and took on the responsibility
    of overseeing the overall Dao governance of Taegeukdo.

    Dojeon Continued in the Flow from the Fountainhead
    At the hours of the lamb on the 6th day of the 3rd lunar month of 1958,
    Doju ordered all of the officials to stand outside Jeongsa room.
    He then called Dojeon to come close, placed his hand on Dojeon’s head,
    and ordered him to oversee the comprehensive affairs of his religious order.
    He further stated, “This is the year when the 50-Year Holy Work is completed
    and the ultimate energy arrives now; in April. I must leave now.
    Do not lose heart at all despite my absence.
    Continue to fulfill your tasks as you have been instructed.”
    After conveying this deathbed edict, he passed into Heaven.
    In accordance with the edict, Dojeon succeeded the Orthodox Religious Lineage
    and assumed his role in the Fountainhead.