Spreading Sangje’s Virtue
All over the World

9Spreading the Truth of Sangsaeng throughout the World
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  • “The Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence forms the basis
    for achieving global peace and harmony among all human beings.
    When there is peace and harmony for all, it will be the re-creation of the world
    and an Earthly Paradise where humans find renewal as Earthly Immortals.”

    “The concept of Human Nobility within Daesoon Truth embodies a philosophy of peace.”

    “Peace within humankind can be achieved through the infinite truth of the Dao,
    wherein we understand and love one another
    by embracing others with a generous spirit that is devoid of hatred
    and by practicing the virtue of protecting neighbors and providing mutual help.”

    “The Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is a remarkable system of thought
    and an Eastern philosophy that originated in Korea. It aims to achieve eternal peace and
    salvation for humanity while bringing tremendous hope to humankind.”
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  • The Era of Human Nobility Opening
    through the Resolution of
    Grievances for Mutual Beneficence

    Daesoon Jinrihoe is dedicated to unveiling the truth
    of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence to the world,
    thereby working to usher in the Era of Human Nobility, a time long desired by all of humankind.

    We are laying the groundwork for the Era of Human Nobility
    by spreading the truth of Mutual Beneficence to the entire world
    through activities such as the publication and translation of the scriptures of Daesoon Jinrihoe,
    holding various international academic conferences,
    and publishing both domestic and international academic journals.

    “It was in The Canonical Scripture (Jeon-gyeong) that the acts of God were recorded.”

    “Sangje descended to our world with the mission to save humankind
    and carried out the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth to achieve this salvation.
    Today, our purpose is to uphold and fulfill the teachings of Sangje.”

    “We should always carry the teachings from The Canonical Scripture in our hearts,
    ensuring that our words align with our actions in all aspects of our lives.
    We must be perpetually conscious that divine beings observe us, no matter where we are or when we act.”

    Records that Inform Our Practices
    “Promote the betterment of others.
    We all mutually benefit from one another and can lead fulfilling lives.
    Prioritizing others before oneself not only embodies
    the ideology of vastly saving all sentient beings but also reflects
    the fundamental principle of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence.”

    “We must diligently work to propagate this throughout the world.”

    Spreading Daesoon Truth All throughout the World
    “Our Dao is not confined to our country alone;
    it encompasses the whole world and even extends to the entire universe.”

    “You must integrate the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    into both your physical and mental existence, making it an inherent part of your lives.
    It’s essential to cultivate cordial relationships with your neighbors
    and strive for mutual peace in broader society.
    Moreover, these principles should extend to the entire world.
    We must endeavor to implement the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence globally.”
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  • The Precepts

    1. Do not deceive yourself

    2. Practice virtuous speech

    3. Do not provoke Cheok

    4. Do not disregard the beneficence bestowed upon you

    5. Promote the betterment of others