Spreading Sangje’s Virtue
All over the World

8Spreading the Virtue of Sangje all over the World
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  • Propagating All throughout the World

    As a successor in the lineage, inheriting Sangje’s will and Doju’s dharmas
    to rectify and vastly save the world and its inhabitants,
    Dojeon undertook the mission of achieving the Earthly Paradise
    through propagating Sangje’s virtue all over the world.
    To accomplish this, Dojeon classified the works of the order into two categories:
    the Basic Works and the Three Major Works.

    The Basic Works include propagation, edification, and cultivation,
    which serve as means to spread Sangje’s virtues to all parts of the world.
    The Three Major Works, on the other hand,
    act as social practices aimed at saving the world and relieving people
    while contributing to the realization of the truth of Mutual Beneficence.
  • Faithfully Implementing the Basic Works

    “Our order should faithfully implement our Basic Works of saving the world and relieving people.
    Furthermore, we have to diligently strive for the ‘Re-creation of the Inner-spirit’
    and the ‘Renovation of Human Beings’ based on our commitment to ‘Guarding against Self-deception.’
    Through these efforts, we have to establish an authentic image of Daesoon Jinrihoe Dao cohorts
    to serve as role models for all people in this country as our order earns accolades as a respected religion.
    With this mindset, we should be at the forefront of propagating our faith to all people,
    edifying them, purifying society, and building a welfare state.
    Let us solidify our will to carry out the ‘Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence’
    and ‘Grateful Reciprocation of Favors for Mutual Beneficence.’”
  • Propagation: Spreading the Virtue of Sangje

    “The will expressed by Sangje through His Great Itineration is to be revered
    and widely disseminated to all people bringing them into communion
    with the Great Dao of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence.
    This act is known as propagation.”

    “‘Propagation all throughout the world’ is a means to save all sentient beings
    by spreading Sangje’s grace and blessings all over the world.
    It rectifies the broken state of human morality and secures their salvation.”

    Propagation aims to guide all sentient beings who share a karmic connection
    so that they are able to participate in the Earthly Paradise, which will emerge in the future.
    It casts the light of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    onto this world where ethics and morality have collapsed
    by delivering Sangje’s unsurpassable virtue and working to reestablish human morality.
    Dojeon said that cultivating the mind and receiving a glorious destiny all begin with propagation.
    He further proclaimed, “Only through worldwide propagation,
    will it become possible to vastly save all sentient beings.”
  • Edification: Transmitting Daesoon Truth to Nurture True Dao Cohorts

    “The Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is such
    that without the Resolution of Grievances, there could be no Mutual Beneficence,
    and without Mutual Beneficence, there could be no Resolution of Grievances.
    That is why there must be mutual respect.
    Educating others about this is edification.”

    “The Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    and the Grateful Reciprocation of Favors for Mutual
    Beneficence are the truths that convey the values of
    ‘do not provoke Cheok (grievances and grudges)
    from others’ and ‘promote the betterment of others.’
    To achieve this, one should emphasize harmony, unity,
    and mutual aid among Dao cohorts and educate people
    to put these principles into practice.”

    Edification involves properly understanding the Resolution of Grievances
    for Mutual Beneficence and internalizing it within one’s being.
    It also includes guiding Dao cohorts in upholding the laws of the Dao correctly.
    This is a transformative process through which one awakens to become a true Dao cohort,
    achieves Unification with the Dao, and attains a glorious destiny
    through diligently practicing the Dao and cultivating oneself.
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  • Cultivation: Practicing Daesoon Truth to Achieve the Perfected State of Unification with the Dao

    “Sincerity itself is the Dao of Heaven, and striving to be sincere is also the Dao of humans.
    Therefore, we must endeavor to cultivate the Dao with extreme sincerity.”

    “Our Dao is the Great Dao of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence,
    and our purpose is Unification with the Dao.
    We must strive to understand one another in all our doings, respect one another,
    and always remember to express gratitude towards one another.
    Only then will we enter into the Perfected State of Unification with the Dao
    through the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence.”

    “First and foremost, you must follow the Fountainhead (Yeonwon) in the Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy
    and cultivate yourself through the Great Dao of Redeeming the World
    by resolving grievances for Mutual Beneficence.
    Adhere to the tenets and doctrines of Daesoon Jinrihoe
    while striving to refine yourself with sincerity, respectfulness, and faithfulness.
    By doing so, you will pave the way to reach the Perfected State of Unification with the Dao.”

    “Cultivation involves reciting of predetermined incantations
    while fostering a singularly-focused mind imbued with reverence and utmost sincerity,
    dedicated to the purpose of attaining Spiritual Mastery.
    To accomplish this, you should deeply settle your body and mind,
    and then gather your spirit to closely attend to Sangje
    while refining the spirit-energy in your lower danjeon,
    which is an elixir field located in the lower abdomen.”

    Cultivation is divided into Gongbu (Holy Works) and Suryeon (recitation training), Daily Prayer, and Weekly Prayer.

    Gongbu (Holy Works)
    Reciting incantations at a designated time and location in a prescribed manner.
    These Holy Works are performed collectively by devotees, hence it is also known as ‘Communal Holy Works.’

    Suryeon (recitation training)
    Reciting the Gido-ju Incantation or the Taeeul-ju Mantra at an unspecified time and place.

    Daily Prayer
    Practiced at 1:00 am, 7:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 7:00 pm every day;
    however, missed sessions while outside can be supplemented upon returning.

    Weekly Prayer
    Practiced at 5:00 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm, and 11:00 pm on Gab and Gi days
    and performed at a designated place or at home.
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  • The Three Major Works: Actualizing Mutual Beneficence

    “To prioritize the implementation of the Three Major Works,
    establish an annual budget allocating a maximum proportion (up to 70%),
    and utilize it systematically and in an organized manner.”

    “The virtue gained from the monthly offerings extends
    beyond our nation to encompass the entire world and humanity.
    Therefore, devote your full attention to enhancing the Three Major Works.”
  • Charity Aid

    Charity aid, one of the Three Major Works of Daesoon Jinrihoe,
    aims to realize a comfortable and peaceful life for humans
    through the practice of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    and the Grateful Reciprocation of Favors for Mutual Beneficence.
    Through charity aid, we help our neighbors in need secure relief and find a path towards self-reliance.

    “Charity aid provides relief to victims and helps the needy (orphans, patients, the elderly, the weak, and the poor).”

    “Do your best to help the needy.”

    “Make an effort to extend compationate favors through charity aid to those who are easily isolated,
    bringing the joy of rehabilitation to them.”
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  • Social Welfare

    Social welfare work is a practical activity that promotes
    the well-being of all individuals and fosters a better and happier society
    based on the principle of Mutual Beneficence.
    With the Daesoon Jinrihoe Welfare Foundation and the Daejin Medical Foundation at the forefront,
    we are dedicated to enhancing the lives of people from diverse social classes, including children, adolescents,
    and the elderly. This is achieved through our active involvement in domestic and international medical
    welfare initiatives, as well as through activities specifically designed for children and adolescents.

    “As part of our communal welfare works, carry out good deeds in society
    by organizing a women’s association and a men’s association.”

    “Now is the time to establish nursing homes and hospitals.
    Thereby, expand and carry forward the welfare facilities to save those
    who suffer due to old age or sickness.”

    “Social welfare plays a key role in producing happy societies.
    We must always move forward ever inspired by the spirit of creating
    an Earthly Paradise through the re-creation of the human spirit and the re-creation of the world.”
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  • Education

    Education aims to cultivate individuals who can practice
    the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    and the Grateful Reciprocation of Favors for Mutual Beneficence in their daily lives.
    In 1976, the Daesoon Scholarship Foundation was established
    to provide scholarships to students from underprivileged families.
    Furthermore, in 1984, Daesoon Jinrihoe established an educational foundation
    that oversees the operation of Daejin University and six high schools.

    “Educational works encompass comprehensive and holistic education
    including school education, home discipline, and social education.
    Therefore, these works should be carried out progressively following annual planning.”

    “We established a scholarship committee to award scholarships to talented individuals.
    It is important to understand that this initiative aims to contribute
    to the development of the nation and our Order
    by educating and nurturing gifted individuals to become pillars of both.”

    “Institutional education aims to cultivate authentic citizens with healthy bodies and minds
    who actively contribute to the advancement of national interests and public welfare.
    This objective is achieved by instilling a well-rounded education
    that emphasizes the ethical responsibilities of individuals and fosters a spirit of lawfulness.”

    The Canonical Scripture states,
    ‘The most fearsome thing is vast experience and extensive knowledge.’
    Hence, Dao cohorts should serve as exemplary role models
    who promote well-rounded education and excel in nurturing their children.”