The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

1The Fountainhead
360° VR Tour
  • Daesoon Jinrihoe
    (The Fellowship of Daesoon Truth)

    Daesoon, the Great Itineration, is a circle,
    and that circle is both Mugeuk (Limitless) and Taegeuk (Ultimate).
    Daesoon Jinrihoe was established in order to worship Holy Master Kang Jeungsan
    and realize His great will of saving all sentient beings
    through the Reordering Works of the Great Opening performed
    after His Great Itineration throughout the Three Realms.
360° VR Tour
  • Sangje, the Supreme God
    The Reordering Works of
    Heaven and Earth

    The Great Itineration of the Three Realms
    Sangje journeyed through the Three Realms
    and then dwelled in the Maitreya Icon at Geumsan-sa Temple.

    9/19/1871 (Lunar)
    Descending into the World
    He descended in human form and
    was born in Gaekmang Village, Gobu County.

    Saving the World through Rectification
    He set His mind upon
    Saving the World via Rectification.

    The Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth
    He began the Reordering Works
    based on the Resolution of Grievances
    for Mutual Beneficence.

    6/24/1909 (Lunar)
    Passing into Heaven
    He completed the Reordering Works
    and then passed into Heaven.
  • Doju, the Lord of the Dao
    The Completion of
    the 50-Year Holy Work

    12/4/1895 (Lunar)
    Descending into the World
    Doju was born in Hoemun Village, Haman County.

    4/28/1909 (Lunar)
    At age 15, he became the True Lord
    via the mandate, Bongcheon-myeong.

    2/10/1917 (Lunar)
    Realization and Dao-Attainment
    He came to realize the Truth of Sangje’s Great Itineration
    and attain the Dao.

    4/_/1925 (Lunar)
    The Founding of Mugeukdo
    He built a temple complex on Dochang Hill Path
    in Gutaein Township and founded Mugeukdo.

    9/_/1948 (Lunar)
    Establishing the Dao Headquarters in Busan

    3/6/1958 (Lunar)
    Passing into Heaven
    He completed the 50-year Holy Work and passed into Heaven.
  • Dojeon, the Leader of Principle
    Spreading Sangje’s Virtue
    All over the World

    11/30/1917 (Lunar)
    Descending into the World
    Dojeon was born in Bangok Village, Goesan County.

    3/6/1958 (Lunar)
    Succeeding in the Orthodox Religious Lineage
    He became successor in the lineage via Doju’s deathbed edict.

    Founding Daesoon Jinrihoe

    Initiating the Three Major Works

    Implementing the Holy Work of Shihak

    12/4/1995 (Lunar)
    Passing into Heaven
    After initiating worldwide propagation, he passed into Heaven.

    Daesoon Jinrihoe at Present
    Implementation of the teachings of Dojeon and Dao Cultivation continue.