The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

5Opening the Age of Mutual Beneficence by Resolving Grievances
360° VR Tour
  • Performing Reordering Works
    with the Law of Mutual Beneficence

    “My Reordering Works were unprecedented in the past and still are in the present;
    they were neither inherited from others nor do they belong to destiny;
    they are works that I make on My own.”

    Sangje, presiding over the Three Realms with great authority, undertook the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth
    from 1901 to 1909. These are also known as the Reordering Works of the Great Opening of the Three Realms which
    rectified the Degree Numbers (Dosu: plans formed in Heaven) of the Former World that were previously dominated
    by Mutual Contention. These Works brought harmony among divine beings, solved ancient grievances and
    grudges, and aimed to build the Earthly Paradise of the Later World through the Dao of Mutual Beneficence.

    The Former World had fallen into a terrible state wherein the denizens of the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth,
    and Humanity could not communicate with one another due to the accumulation of grievances and grudges
    that had formed due to Mutual Contention. For the Great Opening of these Three Realms, Sangje first performed
    a Reordering Work that harmonized divine beings by releasing grievances from the Divine Dao and recalibrating
    the Degree Numbers of Heaven and Earth. This laid down the foundation for the Earthly Paradise of the Later World, where the order of Heaven and Earth will come to operate in Mutual Beneficence.

    Additionally, He performed the Reordering Work of Grievance-Resolution for Danzhu (the son of King Yao).
    This was the root-grievance behind all grievances that had accumulated millennium after millennium within
    the Three Realms. As such, all grievances originated from that root-grievance, spread out, and eventually came
    to pervade the Three Realms. As a result, the resolution of Danzhu’s grievance made all other grievances eligible
    for resolution. In particular, Sangje brought harmony between human beings and divine beings and enabled
    the formation of mutual guidance between divine beings and human beings. Therein, the path to Mutual
    Beneficence was opened, and all the grievances and grudges accumulated from time immemorial can eventually
    gain release.

    Sangje’s Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth encompassed divine beings and human beings, ethnic groups
    and nationalities, all lands and all things, and creation. Given their expansive breadth, these acts can also be termed
    the Reordering Works of the Three Realms. Sangje’s Reordering Works allowed divine beings and humans
    to achieve harmony according to the law of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, and it opened up
    the Age of Human Nobility, an era wherein humans preside over the civilization of the Later World.
  • Composition of the Exhibit

    “Presiding over the Three Realms with great authority,
    I will recalibrate the Degree Number of the Former World and
    open the destined pathway to a limitless Earthly Paradise in the Later World.”

    “I will recalibrate the Degree Number of Heaven and Earth, harmonize the divine beings,
    and resolve ancient grudges and grievances. Through the Dao of Mutual Beneficence (Sangsaeng),
    I will establish an Earthly Paradise in the Later World and save all the people of the world.”

    This set of displays will introduce the great actions performed by Sangje from 1901 to 1909, known as the Reordering Works
    of Heaven and Earth. The exhibit will divide Sangje’s Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth into seven main events as recorded
    in The Canonical Scripture (Jeon-gyeong). Additionally, the final display will depict various events where Sangje’s divine authority
    was demonstrated and the truth of His Reordering Works was proved.

    1. 1. Carrying out the Reordering Works of the Great Opening
      with Great Authority over the Three Realms
    2. 2. Correcting the Chaos of Mutual Contention
      and Establishing the Framework for Mutual Beneficence
    3. 3. Resolving the Grievances and Grudges of the Entire World
    4. 4. Establishing Harmonious Union between Humans and
      Divine Beings through the Dao of Mutual Beneficence
    5. 5. The Era of Human Nobility that Blossoms
      through the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence
    6. 6. The Great Opening: When Heaven and Earth Accomplish Their Purpose
    7. 7. 12,000 Dao-empowered Sages will Emerge
These seven subjects can be viewed in detail using the 360° VR exhibit display.
View video in 360° VR
360° VR Tour
  • The 7th Lunar Month of 1901
    Opening up the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in Shinchuk Year

    Winter of 1901
    Starting the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth
    After completing a Holy Work at Daewon-sa Temple in the winter of the Shinchuk Year (1901),
    Sangje refrained from re-papering any damaged screens and igniting fires in the heating furnace.
    He changed into clean clothes and, abstaining from all food,
    began the Reordering Work of Heaven and Earth for a period of nine days.

    The 4th Lunar Month of 1902
    Mentioning the Reordering Works of the Great Opening
    of the Three Realms

    Performing the Reordering Works to Rectify the Degree Number Dominated by Mutual Contention

    Performing the Reordering Work of the Myeongbu (the afterworld)
    Made Jeon Myeongsuk (Jeon Bong-Jun) head of the Myeongbu for Joseon (Korea),
    Kim Il-Bu head of the Myeongbu for Qing (China),
    and Choi Suwun (Choi Je-U) head of the Myeongbu for Japan.

    Spring of 1903
    Hiding the Seven Stars of the Northern Ladle

    Winter of 1903
    Carrying out a Reordering Work of Divine Beings to Drive out
    Western Powers

    From the 15th to 16th of the 1st Lunar Month of 1904
    One day, some disciples came to Sangje and asked,
    “How did You, a possessor of divine power, still fall victim to Jang Hyo-Sun’s rampage?”
    Sangje replied, “When infighting among disciples or family members arises, the politics of gods fall into disorder.
    If it had been left as it was, it would have brought a catastrophe to the world.
    Therefore, I resolved the catastrophe by embracing that fate.”

    The 10th Lunar Month of 1905
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of Invoking the Spirit of Jin-Muk

    The 2nd day of the 3rd Lunar Month of 1906
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of the ‘Parallel Advance Both by Sea and by Land’

    Winter of 1906
    Showing the Divine Authority to Halt the Ascension of the Sun

    In the Begining of the 10th Lunar Month of 1907
    Redirecting and Enhancing the Destiny of Joseon (Korea)
    by Attaching the Degree Number for the Grievance Resolution of Danzhu
    to the Hub of Earth-energy Known as the ‘Five Immortals Playing Baduk’

    In the Middle of the 10th Lunar Month of 1907
    Ridding Geumgang Mountain of Ominous Energy

    In the Beginning of the 11th Lunar Month of 1907
    Changing the Position of the Mungok (Literary Star)
    in the Sutra of the Seven Stars

    The 12th Lunar Month of 1907
    Eliminating the Famine Affecting Seven Counties in North Jeolla Province
    “This is Wun Mountain. Even if the flow of Wunam River is partially
    redirected to the fields of Mangyeong of Gimje,
    there shall be no resentment from people in the downstream areas.
    The flow of water will not dry up in spite of a big drought.
    It will surely be enough to weigh the water against the sky.
    Jiang Taigong eliminated a drought affecting one county in the State of Qi,
    but I will eliminate the famine affecting seven counties in North Jeolla Province.”

    The 12th Lunar Month of 1907
    Setting the Degree Number of the Armillary Sphere
    Sangje set the Degree Number of the Armillary Sphere (Seongi-Okhyeong) at the houses of three disciples.
    He set the Degree Number of a Scale Hook at Shin Gyeong-Su’s house,
    the Degree Number of a Scale Weight at Hwang Eung-Jong’s house,
    and the Degree Number of a String at Mun Gong-Shin’s house.
    And Sangje also established the Degree Number of a Great Command of the Sun
    and the Moon at Shin Gyeong-Su’s house
    and the Degree Number of the Great Eight Gates of Heaven and Earth at Mun Gong-Shin’s house.
    Sangje practiced this Reordering Work, taking turns visiting the three houses day and night.

    The 12th Lunar Month of 1907
    Calibrating the Degree Number of ‘Correct Yin and Correct Yang’

    The 12th Lunar Month of 1907
    Composing Oh-ju (Five-verse Incantation)
    新天地家家長歲 日月日月萬事知
    shin-cheon-ji ga-ga-jang-seh il-wol-il-wol-man-sa-ji
    si-cheon-ju-jo-hwa-jeong yeong-se-bul-mang-man-sa-ji
    福祿誠敬信 壽命誠敬信 至氣今至願爲大降
    bokrok seong-gyeong-shin sumyeong seong-gyeong-shin ji-gi-geum-ji-won-wi-dae-gang
    明德觀音八陰八陽 至氣今至願爲大降
    myeong-deok-gwan-eum pal-eum-pal-yang ji-gi-geum-ji-won-wi-dae-gang
    sam-gye-hae-ma dae-je-shin-wi won-jin-cheon-jon-gwan-seong-je-gun

    In a new world, may every household enjoy longevity
    and may everybody know everything as the sun and the moon shine brightly, so brightly.
    In serving the Lord of Heaven and being unified with the divine order,
    I wish to never forget and to know everything.
    Blessings and fortune, as well as longevity, depend on sincerity, respectfulness, and faithfulness.
    Hereupon, may the ultimate energy descend abundantly now.
    Eight Yin and eight Yang, which brighten virtue and perceive lamentations (gwaneum),
    may the ultimate energy descend abundantly now.
    Saintly Emperor Guan, the Celestial Worthy who is Omnipresently Available upon Invocation,
    Joins the Ranks of Great Emperor Spirits, and Resolves the Evil of the Three Realms.

    From the 25th Day of the 12th Lunar Month of 1907 to the 4th Day of the 2nd Lunar Month of 1908
    Suffering through the Gobu Calamity
    “Even though hundreds of thousands of people have suffered from this trouble,
    none of them shall suffer even the slightest injury and all of them shall be released,
    so you don’t have to worry at all.”

    From the middle of the 4th Lunar Month of 1908 to the 6th Lunar Month of 1908
    Setting up Donggok Clinic

    Late in the 5th Lunar Month of 1908
    Resolving the Grievances of the World through a Reconciliation
    between a Rural Gentleman and a Town Official

    In the middle of the 6th Lunar Month of 1908
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of All Nations Clinic

    On the 20th day of the 6th Lunar Month of 1908
    Sangje wrote down “元亨利貞奉天地道術藥局 在全州銅谷生死判斷
    (There is a Daoist Magic Clinic in Donggok, Jeonju that serves Heaven and Earth
    with the Dao of origination (won, 元), proliferation (hyeong, 亨), accomplishment (yi, 利), and completion (jeong, 貞).
    Here, Determinations on life and death are made.)” Then, He burned the passage.

    The 7th Lunar Month of 1908
    Carrying out the Reordering Work to Unify the Essence of the Energy
    of Every Mountain and River

    The 7th Lunar Month of 1908
    Designating the Center of Longevity, School of the Greatest Learning,
    and Center for Happiness and Wealth

    The 7th Lunar Month of 1908
    Carrying out the Reordering Work for Danzhu’s Grievance Resolution

    The 7th Lunar Month of 1908
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of the Ildeung (First Grade) of Bakmun (Broad Knowledge)
    “Now, in order to save humanity from misery,
    the Ildeung (first grade) of Bakmun (broad knowledge) is necessary,
    whereas Yideung (second grade) of Bakmun (broad knowledge) becomes unnecessary.”

    The 21st day of the 10th Lunar Month of 1908
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of the ‘God of the Imperial Ultimate (Hwanggeuk)’

    The 12th Lunar Month of 1908
    Sages of Dao and virtue Who are Worshipped with Sacrificial Offerings
    for One Thousand Autumns

    “This is a waterway in South Joseon (Korea).
    The ship shall be sailed by the Sages of Dao and Virtue,
    who are worshipped with sacrificial offerings for one thousand autumns.
    Jeon Myeongsuk (Jeon Bong-Jun) will serve as its captain.
    The spirits of these virtuous sages, who have received sacrificial offerings
    for one thousand autumns, have been revered by all people.
    The reason for this reverence lies in their singularly-focused minds.
    Therefore, those lacking a singularly-focused mind
    shall not be allowed on board this ship.”

    The 1st day of the 1st Lunar Month of 1909
    Finishing Three Copies of The Scripture of the Black Tortoise

    Spring of 1909
    Establishing the Degree Number of the ‘Progress of the Order’
    “My appearance is that of a humble snake’s head on a dragon’s colossal body.”

    The 3rd Lunar Month of 1909
    “I Will Use the Taeeul-ju Mantra.”

    Spring of 1909
    Carrying out the Reordering Work of the Great Head

    The 6th Lunar Month of 1909
    “I Shall Enter Geumsan-sa Temple.
    If You Would Like to See Me, Come to the Temple.”

    The 6th Lunar Month of 1909
    Bearing with a Peculiar Epidemic and Eliminate It
    Sangje wrote a decree to the divine general charged with a peculiar epidemic:
    “How could you destroy only the innocent households of the populace,
    leaving the families of the king, generals, and ministers alone?”
    Then Sangje said, “I will bear the disease.”

    Late in the 6th Lunar Month of 1909
    Completing the 50-Year Holy Work for Edification
    One day during the 6th lunar month,
    after finishing the Reordering Work of Heaven and Earth,
    Sangje burned a paper on which He had written
    “Completing the 50-Year Holy Work for Edification.”
    Then, He said to His disciples,
    “Yi Yin realized upon his 50th year of service that he had been mistaken for 49 years,
    and then he helped King Tang of Shang achieve a great accomplishment.
    Now, using this Degree Number, I have arranged it thoroughly.
    When the right time is reached, a new foundation shall be opened.”

    Late in the 6th Lunar Month of 1909
    “I Will Have Heaven and Earth Confirm the Reordering Works
    of the Great Opening that Has Been Carried Out for Nine Years.”

    The 24th day of the 6th Lunar Month of 1909
    Passing into Heaven after Completion of the Reordering Works
    of Heaven and Earth