The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

2Setting Forth on the Great Itineration in Response to Pleas from Sages, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas
360° VR Tour
  • Setting Forth on the Great Itineration
    throughout the World

    When Sangje stayed in the Ninth Heaven,
    divine sages, buddhas, and bodhisattvas gathered and
    petitioned Sangje, the Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven,
    that Heaven and Earth in this state of calamities cannot be rectified
    by anyone other than Sangje.
    Thus, Sangje descended to the Tower of Heavenly Revelation (Cheongyetap)
    in the Kingdom of the Great Law (Daebeopguk) in the West.
    And then He went on the Great Itineration (Daesoon)
    through the whole world to examine its state.
    Lastly, He reached this land in the East.
    And for thirty years, He spiritually entered the Golden-hued Icon of Maitreya
    at the Geumsan-sa Temple of the Mount Moak.
    He caused Choi Suwun (Choi Je-U) to establish the Great Dao
    by giving him the heavenly mandate and the divine teachings and power.
    However, in the Gapja Year (1864),
    He withdrew the mandate and the divine teachings and power
    and ultimately decided to personally descend into the human world
    in the Shinmi Year (1871).
  • Spiritually Inhabiting the Golden-hued Icon
    of Maitreya at Geumsan-sa Temple

    The Golden-hued Icon of Maitreya at Geumsan-sa Temple
    was enshrined by Vinaya Master Jin-Pyo in 766.
    He prayed for the coming of the Dragon-Flower World of Maitreya,
    filled Yongchu Pool (Dragon Pool) with charcoal,
    and placed the icon of Maitreya atop a cauldron.

    Before Sangje descended into the world in human form,
    He spiritually inhabited that Golden-hued Icon of Maitreya
    for 30 years at Geumsan-sa Temple.
    “I am Maitreya.
    The 16-foot high golden-hued icon (Yukjang-geumshin)
    enshrined in the Maitreya Hall of Geumsan-sa Temple
    holds the Cintamani Stone (wish-fulfilling stone) in its hand,
    while I have one in My mouth.”
  • Withdrawing
    the Heavenly Mandate
    and the Divine Teachings
    from Choi Je-U
    Choi Je-U received the revelation of the Great Dao of Redeeming the World
    in the Gyeongshin Year (1860) from Sangje.
    He established Eastern Learning (Donghak) to convey the Great Dao,
    yet ultimately he failed to bring the true meaning of the Great Dao
    to light beyond the framework of Confucianism.
    Therefore, in the Gapja Year (1864), Sangje withdrew the heavenly mandate
    and the divine teachings from Choi,
    and in the Shinmi Year (1871), He finally descended into the world.

    Suwun Choi Je-U
    Choi Je-U (1824-1864) sought to convey the teachings
    of Sangje’s Great Dao of Redeeming the World to people
    through Eastern Learning (Donghak).
    However, his teachings were met with opposition
    from Confucian scholars,
    who accused him of leading a cult
    and spreading dangerous untruths.
    As a result, he was formally censured
    and then beheaded in 1864.