The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

8All Nations Clinic: Donggok Clinic
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  • Sangje said, “If you should think of Me,
    come enjoy yourselves in this room at the clinic
    even regardless of My absence there.”

    Gong-Wu replied,
    “We are opening All Nations Clinic to revive the dead,
    make the blind see and the crippled walk,
    and to clear up all kinds of diseases.
    This is what I would say.”
    Sangje said, “You are right. Do as you say.”
    Then He burned the nameplate.

    Reordering Works 3:35

360° VR Tour
  • Establishing Donggok Clinic
    and Opening up the Dao of Saving Lives
    and Curing the World

    From the 4th to 6th lunar month of 1908, Sangje had a clinic built
    in Donggok Village (present-day Cheongdo Village, Geumsan County,
    Gimje City of North Jeolla Province).
    At the time of the clinic’s completion, Sangje burned a nameplate
    that had ‘All Nations Clinic’ written on it and wrote a passage,
    ‘There is a Daoist Magic Clinic in Donggok, Jeonju
    that serves Heaven and Earth
    with the Dao of origination (won, 元), proliferation (hyeong, 亨),
    accomplishment (yi, 利), and completion (jeong, 貞).
    Here, Determinations on life and death are made.’
    And then He burned it.
    From this base of operation, Sangje directly performed healing arts to expand
    the ‘Dao of Saving Lives and Curing the World.’
    Fearing that many would later die in great misery,
    He performed the Reordering Work of burying fire and another Reordering Work wherein
    He suffered through a peculiar epidemic from the future in place of humanity.
    And to solidify the progress of the order, He performed a Reordering Work
    regarding the Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy, saying
    “I will send the line of Dao-unification to the Great Head.”
  • All Nations Clinic
    元亨利貞奉天地道術藥局 在全州銅谷生死判斷

    There is a Daoist Magic Clinic in Donggok, Jeonju
    that serves Heaven and Earth
    with the Dao of origination (won, 元), proliferation (hyeong, 亨),
    accomplishment (yi, 利), and completion (jeong, 貞).
    Here, determinations on life and death are made.

    Reordering Works

    One day during the 6th lunar month, after finishing a Reordering Work of Heaven and Earth,
    Sangje burned a paper on which He had written
    “Completing the 50-Year Holy Work for Edification.”
    Then, He said to His disciples,
    “Yi Yin realized upon his 50th year of service that he had been mistaken for 49 years,
    and then he helped King Tang of Shang achieve a great accomplishment.
    Now, using this Degree Number, I have arranged it thoroughly.
    When the right time is reached, a new foundation shall be opened.ˮ

    One evening, Sangje wrote down ‘Three Hundred Sixty Thousand Gods’
    and the ‘Wunjang-ju Mantra’ and ordered His disciples,
    “Each one of you should inwardly recite this mantra seven hundred times.”
    In addition, Sangje said,
    “The wind will rise and fall every day, and then malaria will turn rampant.
    As I am concerned that many people will die, I have buried Fire.”

    One day, Lee Do-Sam came to visit Sangje in Donggok (Copper Valley) Village.
    Sangje said, “List all things that harm human beings.”
    He mentioned everything from tigers, leopards, coyotes, and wolves,
    to mosquitoes, lice, fleas, and bedbugs. Listening to him, Sangje said,
    “I will get rid of all harmful things to human beings in the Later World.ˮ

    The Lineage of Religious Orthodoxy

    After seating nine disciples side by side in a row, Sangje ordered Gap-Chil
    to cut down whichever green bamboo stalk he wanted
    and bring it back to the group.
    There were ten joints in the bamboo that had been cut by Gap-Chil.
    Sangje cut off one of the joints and said,
    “This one is a head that will come and go between life and death
    and circulate around at will.
    The nine joints left correspond to the number of people
    who receive teachings.
    Go out and look at how many stars have appeared in the sky.”
    After going outside and coming in, Gap-Chil reported,
    “The sky is filled with clouds, but nine stars are seen twinkling as they cut
    through the middle of the clouds.”
    Sangje said, “This corresponds to the number of people who receive teachings.”

    Saving Lives

    There lived a crippled man named Kim in Yongdu-chi Hill-Path,
    who could only move around via a sedan chair.
    One day, he paid a visit to beg Sangje to make him walk again.
    Sangje had the man sit in front of Him and ordered him to stand up
    as He moved up His tobacco pipe.
    While Sangje lifted the pipe higher and higher for the man
    to try to rise from the ground,
    He had Hyeong-Ryeol recite “Ye-go-shin ye-paeng-shin seok-nan-shin
    jo-hwa-jo-hwa un-oh-myeong-ryeong-hum.”
    (Drum-Carrying God, Drum-Playing God, Orchid-on-Rock God,
    and the divine generals of North, East, West, South and Center,
    through creation and transformation, perform my command. Hum).
    Sangje told him to stand and walk out into the yard and
    had Gwang-Chan slap the man on the calves to make him walk faster.
    Finally, the crippled man walked back home, on his own,
    not needing the sedan chair.
    Afterward, he gave Sangje thirty nyang as a token of his gratitude.
    Sangje bought food and wine for passers-by with the money,
    while the man expressed his thanks to Sangje in front of the passers-by
    for having treated his legs.

    A young man, aged 18 or 19, was hit by a large rock
    while working in a mine.
    His leg was broken and a ligament was torn;
    he could not stretch the leg or bend his body freely.
    The young man had heard that Sangje was staying in Jeonju
    and came to Him to beg for treatment.
    Sangje said, “If you make someone shed tears,
    tears of blood come from your eyes.
    Try to jump up.”
    He braced himself for the jump, which made his shrunken legs straighten out.
    Sangje said that it had stimulated his blood vessels and bones to work properly.

    When Hwang Eung-Jong’s son was critically ill, he prepared fresh water
    and prayed for his son’s recovery with his hands together facing the direction
    where Sangje was. Then the son’s sickness was cured.
    The next day, when Eung-Jong went to the clinic at Donggok Village and
    had an audience with Sangje, He said,
    “When I looked down from the clouds yesterday,
    I saw you holding your hands together. Why were you doing that?”
    When Eung-Jong explained the reason in full, Sangje smiled.


    On an early winter morning, Sangje, staying at the clinic,
    saw the sun rising halfway over the summit of a mountain in front of him
    and said to His disciples,
    “The world is stuck in an impasse.
    How can I aim to stabilize the state of the world
    without the power to stop the sun? I will test it now.”
    As He dampened tobacco and smoked it three times in a row,
    the rising sun did not ascend over the mountaintop.
    And then, Sangje threw His tobacco pipe onto the ground with a smile.
    Just at the moment, the halted sun started rising again.

  • 360° VR Tour
    • The Floor Plan of Donggok Clinic

      In the 4th lunar month of 1908, Sangje began preparations for the clinic
      in Donggok while staying at Kim Jun-Sang’s house.
      To equip the clinic, He called a carpenter, Lee Gyeong-Mun,
      to instruct the carpenter on how to make an apothecary chest,
      what sizes the chest should be,
      and when the deadline to finish the chest was to be.

      The Hand-Drawn Symbol
      Sangje’s handwritten symbol or abstract character
      on the southernmost pillar of the clinic

      The Apothecary Chest
      The apothecary chest featured a total of 15 compact drawers,
      arranged in five columns and three rows.
      Sangje inscribed the central drawer with the phrase,
      ‘Danzhu receives a mandate.’
      Beneath this, he added another line of text,
      stating, ‘Man does not go astray amid violent winds, thunder, and rain.’

      The Transformation Chest
      When Sangje set up the clinic, He built a chest.
      He wrote ‘Palmun-dungap (the Eight Gates Transformation)’ inside the chest,
      branded two characters, ‘Seol-mun (the Tongue Gate)’ on the top of the inscription.
      and then dabbed 24 dots around those characters in red.
      The chest was then placed in the clinic.