The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

10Finishing the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth and Passing into Heaven
360° VR Tour
  • Teaching about Presiding over Cures (Ui-tong)

    Catastrophic Disease

    “Since the Great Opening of the Former World,
    catastrophes like floods, droughts, and wars
    have consistently devastated this world,
    but there has not been an extinction-level disease so far.
    In the future, a catastrophic disease shall sweep the world,
    incurring unprecedented calamities.
    However, there will be no way to save the people
    from the great pandemic...”

    “Since I took care of the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth,
    I have defeated all other disasters in this nation aside from catastrophic disease.
    As it will surge like a torrent, you shall have no time to escape from it.”

    The Descent of Heavenly Energy

    “A person who receives divine energy descending from Heaven
    will possess the ability heal the sick with a single touch or even a glance.
    As the Descent of Heavenly Energy shall appear later,
    cultivate yourself diligently.”

    Presiding over Cures (Ui-tong)

    世無忠 世無孝 世無烈 是故天下皆病

    He who forgets morality for his parents is without the Dao;
    He who forgets morality for his sovereign is without the Dao;
    He who forgets morality for his teacher is without the Dao.
    As there is no filial piety, no loyalty, and no fidelity in this world,
    the whole world is ailing.

    有天下之病者 用天下之藥 厥病乃愈

    Illnesses of the world should be cured using the medicine of the world.
    Those illnesses will then be healed.


    The greatly benevolent and greatly righteous catch no illnesses.

    “Do not value any odd treatments or rare medicines.
    Just apply all your efforts to the realization
    of Ui-tong (Presiding over Cures).”