The Reordering Works of
Heaven and Earth

4Opening up the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth to Save the World
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  • Foreseeing the Failure of the Donghak
    Peasant Revolution

    In the Gabo Year (1894), outraged by the political tyranny taking hold in the country,
    Jeon Bong-Jun organized a peasant militia of Eastern Learning followers to combat it.
    Sangje foresaw a disastrous outcome for Jeon’s militia.
    Sangje recited a poem to the people:

    “As the moon falls dark and wild geese fly high, Chanyu will flee during the night.
    As the swift cavalry is about to chase after him,
    heavy snow will cover both the bows and the swords.”

    Sangje predicted that the Eastern Learning troops would completely fail
    at the time of falling snow and
    cautioned people against joining the Eastern Learning peasant militia.
  • Traveling the Country for 3 Years
    to Save the World through Rectification

    After Sangje participated in a poetry-reading meeting held on Mount Duseung
    during the spring of the Eulmi Year (1895),
    He observed that the world was falling deeper into confusion day by day.
    It was precisely at this time that He set His mind on saving the world through rectification.
    In the Jeongyu Year (1897), Sangje opened a village school at Jeong Nam-Gi’s house.
    At that time, Sangje read through books on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism
    as well as books on Yin-Yang philosophy and prophecy,
    believing that the knowledge within them would be helpful in saving the world.
    After teaching at the school for a while,
    He went on a journey to observe public sentiments and circumstances.
    Passing through Gimje in North Jeolla Province,
    Sangje went to Mount Hyangjeok in Nonsan, South Chungcheong Province,
    where He met Kim Il-Bu (1826-1898), who lived there in seclusion.
    At that time, Il-Bu presented Sangje with the honorific name ‘Yowun (splendid clouds)’ to honor Him.
    Sangje’s journey took Him to various places
    such as Gyeonggi, Hwanghae, Pyeongan, Hamgyeong, and Gyeongsang Province
    where he personally took a close look at people’s sentiments.
    Arriving in Hamyeol County, Iksan, North Jeolla Province,
    He rejoiced and said, “Manin Hamyeol,” which means ‘all people share joy.’
    After three years of traveling, Sangje concluded his journey
    and returned to His hometown of Gaekmang Village.
  • Opening up the Great Dao of
    Heaven and Earth

    In the Gyeongja Year (1900), after three years of travel,
    Sangje returned to Gaekmang Village. He went to the summit of Mount Siru
    and proceeded with the Holy Works of the Divine Generals of the Five Directions,
    the Forty-Eight Divine Generals and the Divine Generals of the Twenty-Eight Constellations
    while reciting the Incantation of Perfected Dharma (Jinbeop-ju).

    After finishing His Holy Work on Mount Siru,
    Sangje started another Holy Work at Daewon-sa Temple on Mount Moak
    on the 16th day of the 5th lunar month of the Shinchuk Year (1901).
    There, He devotedly practiced this Holy Work for 49 days without food or rest.
    On the 5th day of the 7th lunar month of that same year,
    Sangje finally opened up the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth
    while blowing strong winds to mark the occasion,
    as if the five dragons had appeared in the North, South, East, West,
    and Center of the sky to roar.
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  • After Sangje passed into Heaven, a white bottle filled with water and
    a small knife were found in the room where He had stayed.
    On the paper used as a cap for the bottle, the following was written:
    吉花開吉實 凶花開凶實
    (A propitious flower brings propitious fruition;
    An unpropitious flower brings unpropitious fruition.)
    And an additional message was also found, which reads as follows:

          大病無藥 小病或有藥
          然而大病之藥 安心安身
          小病之藥 四物湯八十貼

    There are serious illnesses
    and there are minor illnesses;
    There is no medicine for serious illnesses and
    there could be medicine for minor illnesses.
    Therefore, quieting the mind and body is the medicine for a serious illness,
    while eighty dosages (cheop) of the four-herb decoction is the medicine for a minor illness.


    In serving the Lord of Heaven and being unified with the divine order,
    I wish to never forget and to know everything.
    May the ultimate energy descend abundantly now!

       得其有道 則大病勿藥自效 小病勿藥自效

    Serious illnesses develop from the absence of Dao.
    Minor illnesses develop from the absence of Dao.
    However, when the Dao has been gained,
    serious illnesses are naturally cured without any medicine,
    and minor illnesses are naturally cured without any medicine as well.

       至氣今至四月來 禮章

    April, in which the ultimate energy descends, arrives now. Text on Propriety.

       世無忠 世無孝 世無烈 是故天下皆病

    Presiding over Cures (Ui-tong, 醫統)
    He who forgets morality for his parents is without the Dao;
    He who forgets morality for his sovereign is without the Dao;
    He who forgets morality for his teacher is without the Dao.
    As there is no filial piety, no loyalty, and no fidelity in this world,
    the whole world is ailing.

     有天下之病者 用天下之藥 厥病乃愈

    The State of Illness
    Illnesses of the world should be cured using the medicine of the world.
    Those illnesses will then be healed.

    聖子 元亨利貞奉天地道術藥局 在全州銅谷生死判斷

    Holy Father
    Holy Son
    Holy Body
    There is a Daoist Magic Clinic in Donggok, Jeonju
    that serves Heaven and Earth with the Dao of origination (won 元),
    proliferation (hyeong 亨), accomplishment (yi 利), and completion (jeong 貞).
    Here, determinations on life and death are made.


    The greatly benevolent and greatly righteous catch no illnesses.


    Saintly Emperor Guan, the vast subjugator Celestial Worthy,
    who joins the ranks of great emperor spirits
    and subdues the evil of the Three Realms.

     知天下之勢者 有天下之生氣
     暗天下之勢者 有天下之死氣

    A man aware of the tides of the world embodies the energy of life;
    A man ignorant of the tides of the world embodies the energy of death.


    Confucius was the Minister of Justice in the state of Lu;
    Mencius excelled at persuading kings in the states of Qi and Liang.

     東有大聖人曰東學 都是敎民化民

    There was a great sage in the West, His teachings are called ‘Western Learning;’
    There was a great sage in the East, His teachings are called ‘Eastern Learning.’
    They both intended to edify people.


    Nowadays, the civil gods and military gods of Japan join together
    to try to gain the Unification with Dao.

    朝鮮國 上計神 中計神 下計神 無依無托 不可不文字戒於人

    In Joseon, the higher gods, the middle gods, and the lower gods are forced
    to use the writing to warn people since they have nothing else on which to rely.

    宮商角徵羽  聖人乃作 先天下之職 先天下之業 職者醫也 業者統也

    The Five Tones, gung, sang, gak, chi, and wu (宮商角徵羽) were made by sages
    and are categories that are preeminent to all positions and jobs of the world.
    In this context, position pertains to curing and job pertains to presiding.
    These are sacred positions and sacred jobs.